Goals for 2018

Blogmas Day 22!

I am not one for making New Year’s resolutions as I know I would forget about them and wouldn’t think any more about them. Instead, I like to set myself personal goals that I hope to achieve for the next year. Some of these goals I may change my mind about and they may not matter to me this time next year but some of them I know I will want to at least work on to improve myself.

Become Stronger

I don’t mean this physically, I mean I want to become stronger in myself and stop letting people walk all over me. I hate confrontation and I hate feeling like I am in the wrong so I will let people do whatever they want and then walk all over me and that’s not right. For next year, I need to learn how to stand up for myself and have some respect for myself. I’m not entirely sure where to start with this but I will work it out and hopefully

Start a masters degree

At the moment, I am hoping to study Documentary Journalism at Nottingham Trent University in September. I have almost finished my application so I hope to hear back at the start of the year. I really hope that I get in, it would be a dream come true. I never thought I would ever want to go back to university but surprisingly, that is what I have planned for next year.

Pass my driving test

I have tried a few times to pass my driving test but I just can’t do it for some reason. I can drive perfectly fine but as soon as I start my test, I just can’t do it. My aim for 2018 is to pass my test so I can gain some independence. I hate relying on public transport so I would love to be able to have my own car and be able to legally drive it, that is the dream.

Become more invested in my blog

I have been blogging for almost a year and a half now but I only started this one at the end of October and I hope to keep it up. I really enjoy blogging, I love meeting new people through it and talking about things that I am passionate about. I hope to improve my photography through my blog and I hope that I can organise my blog a bit better as I usually end up writing posts at the last minute. I have found Blogmas quite challenging but I am proud that I only missed two days.


What are your goals for 2018?


9 thoughts on “Goals for 2018

  1. I have a similar goal as you, to get my driving lessons and pass my driving test as soon as possible! I also want to work more on my stunt skills as well as be recognised for the blog efforts~


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